Tenancy Management: reduce transfer impact

tenancy management

Moving or extending your company to a different country concerns about your employee’s legal issues of relocation, and of course each place has it own requirements about these procedures. Fortunately, among all its services, SRS offers a special program for employees on long-term international assignment to ease all previous issues.

The program is called Tenancy Management, and, as the name says, is a service in which SRS take responsibility for all relocation-employment-related issues. Also, the company handles all the stress, absorbing the process from the beginning to the end, making more efficient the process of contracts and agreements.

The Tenancy Management is characterized by being effective and dependable, with a process with an all-inclusive service. With this, the employee can receive a full support and advice through the relocating process. The specifications that this service can cover are:

  • Tradesman deals management: to be the intermediary between the employee and the company, coordinate trades and meeting both parts.
  • Lease tracking and renewals: to manage all the negotiations and legal procedures of relocation.
  • Payments: to settle contract-related negotiations, utilities and budgeting, as well as coordinate the moving process.
  • Information about management: to submit a complete report of the management status.
  • Legal adviser’s office and transact: to manage every legal or administrative procedures included with the moving process of the employee, including the work documentation.

The Tenancy Management is the ideal program to let the employee´s relocation procedures in the hands of a professional and experienced service. This is the perfect way to be sure that those process are regular and under totally control, so you can reduce the impact of the change in the employee´s life and in your company.

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