Home Finding is a consulting program of SRS Relocations for helping employees to find the right house in a foreign country.
Etiqueta: living abroad
Tenancy Management: reduce transfer impact
Moving your company to a different country concerns about your employee´s legal issues, but SRS is now in charge with its Tenancy Management.
How being an expatriate could boost your professional career?
Moving a business abroad with your own workforce is also a lucrative and life-changing experience that could boost the professional career of an employee.
A successful beginning starts with Group Mobility Management
Take your business and your staff to a foreign country with our Group Mobility Management service. Let us tell you more about it.
Quickly feel at home in a foreign country with Settling In service
With our Settling In service you and your family will quickly feel at home even though you are living in an unknown foreign country.
Legally enjoy your foreign experience with our Immigration Services
Let us help you to have all your documentation in order so that you can legally enjoy your foreign experience. Know more about our Immigration Services.
Why to live in Mexico City?
Mexico City is one of the biggest cities all around the world. Discover it!