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Formalizing and regularization of employment in Mexico


In the first quarter of this year (2017) 377 thousand 694 formal jobs were generated in Mexico, which represented a historical figure, according to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) records. This amount is the highest rate since 2006, which implies an annual growth of 39.4% in employment; data that includes the jobs generated by temporalities such as the Easter period.


According to the annual behavior, the IMSS indicates that the employment creation in the last 12 months was 839 thousand 412 jobs, equivalent to an annual rate of 4.6%. This is an effort by the productive sectors to maintain a stable and growing economy. The sectors with major trade  strength are industrial, commercial, agricultural and services.


The states with the highest increase in employment until the second quarter of the year have been Tlaxcala, Baja California Sur and Quintana Roo, Querétaro, Michoacán, San Luis Potosí, Mexico City and the State of Mexico. The total number of formal workers in the country amounted to 18 million 994 thousand, of which 86% are permanent and 14% seasonal.


The highest growth occurred in the agricultural sector, followed by the processing industry and services. Although the sectors that generated the most employment in the country during the first six months of the year were:


  1. Systems and Information Technology with 24%
  2. Manufacturing Industry, with 20%
  3. Financial and Insurance Services, 15%
  4. Repair and Maintenance, 13%
  5. Trade, 8%
  6. Health 4%
  7. Education, Construction, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, 3%


This performance of employment is due the manufacturing activity that has maintained its dynamism despite the fact that the export sector has not increased significantly. Likewise, the investments have not stopped, in addition, the domestic consumption makes the energy, commerce and services sectors move at the same pace as the country’s economy. Nevertheless, Mexico needs to engage projects with Latin America with the aim of developing products of better price and quality, as well as to manage topics such as exportations and migration.


In another instance, sectors such as the information, technology, aeronautics, aerospace and automotive are the ones that are growing the most in the country. Today, these areas are the ones that demand more skilled employees by looking for the best resumes for each area. One effect of this is the phenomenon known as the «war for the talent«, where most companies are willing to continue growing, aspect that generates and refreshes the jobs in the country.


Another factor that increased the formalization and registrations in the IMSS, is that the institute together with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (STPS) continue to press for labors to be regularized, that is, not all of these posts are new, but most are not registered. This is an opportunity to create better conditions for the labor force, which will reflect in a more prepared youth and a major quality in employment.

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