Colombia, one of the Countries with the Biggest Growth in Tourism

Colombia, one of the Countries with the Biggest Growth in Tourism

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The increase of tourism in Colombia has been continuous in the last years. According to the Immigration Institute of Colombia, 3,747,945 international visitors arrived to the country in 2013, 4,000,000 in 2014, and 1,946,352 from January to April 2015. Moreover, the Hotel and Tourism Association of Colombia (COTELCO) has reported a substantial growth in tourist infrastructure.

Travelling to Colombia has become fashionable. The prestigious magazines Forbes and NatGeo Traveler have suggested Colombia as one of the most important nations in the world to visit this year. Forbes rates Colombia in sixth place among the top ten destinations in 2015 just after Iceland, Morocco, Vietnam, Montana (USA) and Tasmania, highlighting the diversity of the tourist offer and its natural attractions.

Cartagena is introduced as a luxury and cosmopolitan city, just a five-hour flight away from New York. “Colombia covers everything, from the virgin coasts of the Caribbean, picturesque cobblestone streets in Cartagena, the exotic Amazon jungle, seven sites of World Heritage of Unesco, the bustling metropolis of Bogota, and some of the liveliest people in the world”, says Forbes.

In addition, NatGeo Traveler places Medellin as the best trip of the year, just after the French Island of Corsica. Medellin is called as the City of Eternal Spring, where tourists can admire some paintings of Fernando Botero, visit science parks such as Explora or natural inclosures such as the Arvi Park, and amaze yourself with the subway that shows the functionality and culture of Antioquia.

In order to confirm the good times that  Colombian tourism have had, the Mastercard study, Travel Market Soars in Latin America, presents the country as one of the largest markets with most growth in the world; due to the sustainable economy of the middle class and the travels of the Colombian citizens within the country.

According to relevant destination data, 27,000,000 people from the United States of America and Canada traveled to Latin America in 2014. Furthermore, flights to Colombia from the USA grew by 38% this year. Colombia tourism is certainly increasing due to its cultural and natural richness. The country has become a safe and amazing place to visit and enjoy.

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