The Force of a Country Mexico, September 2017

Last September, Mexico experienced a strong situation with the earthquakes that shook different states of the Mexican republic and the CDMX.

32 years later, Mexico demonstrated its strength again to such a magnitude; the Mexican people once again stood out for their solidarity to help rescue survivors from the rubble and also to donate to the victims. This 2017 technology was a great help, as social networks were filled with messages asking for or providing information about missing persons or trying to direct aid, with different variations of letters asking for drills, gloves, helmets, electrolytes, intravenous, adrenaline, insulin , lost dogs, who offered their homes to those who had run out of a home using #FuerzaMéxico #MéxicoEstáDePie; Mexico also received great international support.






After several days of the earthquake, CDMX and the affected states have resumed their activities; so that the Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization, Taleb Rifai, mentioned that it is important to support Mexico at the moment, and that the Mexicans are ready to receive all their visitors; A fundamental part of the economic recovery is culture, tourism and recreation. It is also an opportunity to gradually return to normal after earthquakes. Mexico It has more than 187 archaeological sites; is the second in the world with more ecosystems; 34 World Heritage sites (such as the Palenque National Park in Chiapas); eight intangible heritage assets such as gastronomy; and its Magic Villages.



One of the magic villages in Oaxaca has cultural activities to revive the economy, such as Zaachila, where they will offer their 1st Fair Magic Route of Handicrafts, from October 29 to 31, where you can also taste the typical gastronomy of the place, with the occasion of the day of the dead (traditional celebration of Mesoamerican origin that honors the deceased).



Morelos, one of the most visited states in Mexico, is ready to welcome tourists and offer different activities such as: a tour of French Cinema in the Morelos Cinema, as well as presentations by various international artists to help the state after the earthquake.

For more information on the events, see:

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