Avocado: The green gold of the Colombian economy

Over the past two years avocado exports have gone from $10 US million to $35 US million and are expected to reach US $50 million by 2018. This crop focuses on the hopes of foreign trade, as the country could be a great supplier.

The first commercial export of flowers in the country for US $20,000, was made in 1965, four years later there were 50 exporting firms and today Colombia is the second worldwide producer of flowers. Despite the sonorous success of this idea, which not only has added value, but also included the farm land, since there had not been a new crop to accompany coffee, banana and palm and with which you could really boost the sales abroad of our Agricultural sector.

Today it is estimated that there are about 18 firms selling avocado abroad and, according to the statistics of Asohofrucol, the Fruit and vegetable growers Union, at the close of 2016, 78,547 tons of Hass avocado were produced in an area that reaches approximately 14,084 hectares.

The European website Fresh Plaza, specializing in issues of perishable food, emphasizes that Colombian production is being driven even by the same government as an alternative to substitution of illicit crops.

The opportunities

Avocado consumption, worldwide, grows by about 3% each year; However, production does not progress at the same pace, but at a slower pace, which implies a window of opportunity for new players like Colombia, who can not only occupy spaces lost by other producers but also develop new markets.

The world’s largest consumer is the United States, while demand grows in Europe and China, thanks to the nutritional properties of the avocado, considered a superfood for its various nutritional and distinct attributes, especially those related to the high Oil content, as well as the presence of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, D, E, K, folic acid and biotin. Also, for its content of calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, magnesium, manganese, sodium and potassium. These elements confer beneficial properties for health, mainly in the prevention of diseases of the circulatory system.

In other words, the avocado, and especially the Hass category, is popular because traditional consumers, the weight watchers and even the growing group of vegetarians like it.

One of the great advantages of Colombia to make avocado production an engine to attract foreign investment is the quality of the national soils and the availability of water, which gives it a better taste than in other countries. Plus the geographical location.

National exporters are trying to explore markets in Asia from Buenaventura and from the port of Santa Marta where they send out all the production to Europe.

Since it is not a commodity, the international price of avocado is not fixed in specialized markets, but by the availability of the product and by agreements with the buyers. Traditionally, during the summer of the northern hemisphere there is more offer and therefore low price, but in general the external value is almost twice what it costs in the country.

The avocado producing areas are Antioquia with 58.6%; Risaralda with 24.5%; Valle del Cauca 6.3% and Bogotá 5.4%. With these results Colombia is with the view in Asia, properly in Japan, to export the fruit and expand the trade and diplomatic relations.

Being Colombia the third avocado producer in the world the opening of  “avocado bar’s ” in cities such as Medellin has started, presenting the many options for lovers of this exotic fruit and different presentations: from the typical guacamole, juice and ice cream, even oatmeal waffles with avocado.

Colombia in its orientation program for our expatriates has included this novel and very Colombian way to show our new green gold.


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